Monday, October 28, 2013

Praying and Playing


I had to take a science course in university but it wasn't my strong suit.  I ended up taking entymology, the study of insects, and surprisingly, I absolutely loved it!  I can tell you that I can identify this "bug" as a praying mantis, but I have never seen one other than in books or on TV.  This was a real treat!

It is looking straight at me, don't you think?  "Hello!"

 The praying mantis gets its name because of the typical "prayer-like" posture with folded fore-limbs.

What a good little model it was, posing for me as I took photos from every angle. 

Perhaps a well-timed bit of luck to find this "praying" mantis on a Sunday morning.


In the evening, we attended a harp concert in the Mirepeisset church, a few km from Ginestas.  One of my favourite pieces was Canon in D Major by Pachelbel.  It was magical!

Two Catalan childhood friends who started studying the harp together at the age of 8, gave a concert that lasted a little over 1.5 hours.  Anouk Socatges and Marie-Marguerite Cano are professionals who play like angels.

Anouk's little boy was applauding the loudest!

One of the strings broke, so as it was being replaced, we were given the rare privilege of listening to a beginner's course on harps: the red strings refer to the "C"s of the octaves, the length of the chord doubles in length from one note's octave to the next, sound travels through the resonator, etc.

These music stands are perfect for such a classy instrument.

The church had great acoustics to amplify the sound.

Concert harps have 7 pedals and depending on how hard you press, you will determine a note's sharp or flat, i.e. the "black notes" on a piano.

I spoke to Anouk's mother who told me they had tried to convince their daughter to try out another instrument when she was young.  She started on a child's small harp, but as she progressed, she graduated to a full harp which is large and heavy (about 35 kilos), and needs a special vehicle to carry around.  (A little Smart car just won't do!)  Her daughter was adamant that this was what she wanted to play.  An expensive instrument to buy, upkeep and transport!


The doors to the church weren't closed until every question we had was answered.  Not only was this an absolutely beautiful concert, it was an education as well.


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