Wednesday, October 30, 2013

For the last time


With our departure date fast approaching, we took the day to finalize some things.  A quick run to L'Oulibo to buy a couple of jars of Lucques olives.  Onwards to Homps to buy a bottle of Karl's favourite muscat wine.  A stop at the chrysanthemum farm in Marcorignan to take photos of the rows and rows of beautiful blooms!

Did you know that mums are planted in pots and the pots are then planted in the ground around May?  In late October, the pots are simply pulled out of the ground, ready to go to the various markets, or sold right there on the farm.  The mums are huge, healthy and ever so beautiful!

With All Saints Day coming up on November 1st, many potted mums are bought for gravesides.  The cemeteries are just teeming with colour right now.

We then drove to Narbonne for the last time, walked around town, and tried to imbed the beautiful architecture into our memories.

We then stopped for afternoon tea at a new place called "T", which is pronounced perfectly in French or English.  Heidi Komarek-Freysinet opened her "T salon de thé" in August of this year. 

Originally from the US, she loves baking and makes all her cakes and cupcakes.  We ate a piece of her double-layered chocolate cake with creamy icing and it went very well indeed with my Earl Grey tea and Karl's cappuccino.  Despite the numerous pâtisseries in Narbonne, I predict this place will do well since there are few places where you can sit and relax with both a cuppa and a dessert in mid or late afternoon.  The huge courtyard is definitely an asset on good weather days.

Went for dinner at Le Tournedos in Lézignan-Corbières and although it wasn't on the menu, asked if they might have onion tart.  They did!  We had so enjoyed it the first time we went there that it was great to have it one last time.

There are less "first times" and more "last times" to experience as we count the few remaining days till our departure from Ginestas.  What a great two months it's been!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the 2 months sure did go fast. Thank you for sharing your beautiful vacation!
